In conjunction with CHS Global, the Collegiate Chapter has started a new program called Conversations with Alumni this month. The program allows current students to interview notable alumni in their field of interest, allowing students to gain new insights into industries and careers. Currently, students are interviewing alumni from a variety of fields, ranging from real estate, design, operations, consulting, and finance. After the interview, students publish a Q & A article about the alumni. This gives students the chance to enhance their interviewing skills and writing skills while providing media for the CHS website. Both graduate and undergraduate students may apply. Be prepared for when applications open again this coming fall!
The coffee chat series that CHS, CC puts on allows students to intimately engage with industry
professionals in a casual setting over coffee and cookies. Approximately six students have the
opportunity to ask the speaker about his or her job, experiences, and, most importantly, advice.
CHS, CC provides students with coffee chats so that they can better build their network and get
the advice they are looking for. All students love the prevalent big guest lectures at The Hotel
School, but they also enjoy coming to a more personal and smaller networking session with
alumni or professionals in the hospitality industry. Students walk away from our coffee chats
with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that they just enhanced their personal network and
formed a relationship with an individual who they admire and seek to emulate. The coffee chats
only reinforce our mission of promoting what it means to be a Hotelie For Life.